Friday, June 17, 2022

Wu's TV Corner #32: Highcliffe Manor

1979 NBC. "The Blacke Death." Special Internet Archive edition. This is one of the shows I had been looking for on Youtube the last couple of years, and then I recently came across it on Internet Archive, which is also a good resource for old TV shows. Another 1979 season show? Oh, yes, and still more coming. Shelley Fabares, Stephen McHattie, Eugenie Ross-Leming, Jenny O'Hara, Audrey Landers, Luis Avalos, Ernie Hudson, Harold Sakata, Chris Marlowe. Peter Lawford as the narrator.

Helen Blacke (Shelley Fabares) inherits a decrepit old mansion that is home to a shady scientific foundation and a creepy cast of characters after her husband is killed. The doctors and scientists there hope to get rid of her and take control of the Blacke Foundation so they can continue with their nefarious plan to clone all of the world leaders but they can't get her out of the picture.

This is the second 1979 NBC sitcom that gave me problems reviewing because of the awful laugh track. The other I haven't written up yet. A reviewer at IMDb watched Highcliffe Manor when it aired and said the show quickly went off the rails after the first couple of episodes when NBC lost faith in the premise. Some shows find their legs after a few episodes but that is not always the case. Only four episodes of this show aired and I was hoping see more because of the good cast and creepy surroundings. The first one was decent enough if you can get past the laugh track.

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