1988 TV miniseries with Michael Caine. I saw it years ago. Good.
1988 TV miniseries with Michael Caine. I saw it years ago. Good.
1881 โ Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday participate in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona.
I love this series by Toni Frissell. Barbara Mullen was very striking in ski clothes.
Directed by Michael Apted. Now on Tubi. William Hurt, Brian Dennehy, Lee Marvin. Book by Martin Cruz Smith. I have the book too and the DVD. Written by Dennis Potter. Murder in a Moscow park. Renko is a good crime fiction series.
1940-70. Toni Frissell. Looks 50s-60s to me. I have also seen ample evidence she was very much at home in the outdoors, mountains, underwater, everything.
c1926. Two men in small boat, one of them with a tarpon on his line.
Directed by Budd Boetticher. Next on Tubi. Elmore Leonard story. Randolph Scott, Richard Boone, Henry Silva, Maureen O'Sullivan, Arthur Hunnicutt. Charles Lawton Jr. cinematography. I have this on VHS from old AMC.
Directed by Peter Yates. Now on Tubi. Nick Nolte, Robert Shaw, Jacqueline Bisset. Peter Benchley book. Eli Wallach, Robert Tessier, Louis Gossett Jr. I remember this TV airing as a kid and the eel scene.
We are looking LIVE at two copies of that Full Metal Jacket book, written by a notorious book thief. Very valuable volumes, apparently. Shipped, mysteriously for no good reason to spaced99 and insured for $1000. That transaction was a story in itself the veteran grey-haired postal worker lady was more than a match for me. No matter how I answered her questions she never once wavered from a practiced near perfect office patter.
How much is the package insured for?
If something happens to the package you will have to prove to the insurance company these items are worth $1000.
I am a collector. Replacement cost today is $1000.
How fragile is this package? (She's poking the pile of business cards suspiciously)
You can run it over with the truck once, but not twice.
Run over once. Not twice. Right.
What day shipping do you want?
2 day I guess is good enough. Doesn't matter what day it arrives at this point.
As I leave I turn to the two lady workers behind the counter and I said I really appreciate y'all today, you were a very big help. Both ladies turned to me and said thank you, sir, you have a great day.
Notice the sir.
I told my dad I am Mr. Wu, Management, but nobody has ever called me Mr. Wu.