Friday, September 2, 2022

Wu's TV Corner #53: Broken Badges

1990 CBS. "Chucky." Stephen J. Cannell misfit cop show. Miguel Ferrer as the New Orleans/Cajun cop, complete with weird accent. Ernie Hudson is the klepto. Jay Johnson the violent ventriloquist. Eileen Davidson is addicted to danger. With Charlotte Lewis, Don S. Davis as the Chief, and Garry Chalk. Guest stars are Diedrich Bader as Chucky, Lyle Alzado, Clint Carmichael.

Lyle Alzado is mob boss Tommy Moran and Chucky is his sensitive and socially challenged son. Ernie Hudson (Toby) squares up with Moran in a police station confrontation; Moran started out as a crooked cop, and that bad blood is still hot. When someone takes out Tommy, Chucky is left in the lurch, and the prime suspect is Toby himself.

All seven episodes of Broken Badges are on Youtube in parts. Good show. Normally the hodge-podge Louisiana accent would be a deal killer for me. Only Miguel Ferrer could pull that character off and make it work. Part Yat, part Cajun. "Where you at, Captain?"